Sara (Sara Tori) 2020-04-23 12:56:27 UTC #1
Dear OIC members,
We have completed the first deliverable for SPROUT in WP3, and are currently working on the next ones. D3.1 (City-specific urban mobility scenarios) is a first draft of the pilot cities’ scenarios future urban mobility scenarios. It introduces the method of Cross-Impact Balance Analysis (CIB) to scenario development, and gives an insight into the first draft of each city’s scenarios for future urban mobility. The quantitative CIB method was complemented with workshops held in each city, to provide narrative descriptions in order to enhance the quantitative output.
These draft scenarios will, in Tasks 3.2 (Sustainability impact analysis of city-specific scenarios) and 3.3 (Policy impact analysis of city-specific scenarios), be subjected to sustainability and policy impact analyses, which will result in definite narrative scenarios in Task 3.4 (Validation and development of narrative scenarios).
Based on this, we are now wondering: how do YOU see the future of urban mobility in your cities? Have you already used scenario planning for urban mobility in your city? If so, what was the result?
Comments are welcome!
Sara (Sara Tori) 2020-06-26 10:04:41 UTC #2
Dear OIC members,
As the SPROUT project is advancing, we wanted to share with you the updates of its current phase. At the moment, we are developing scenarios for the future of urban mobility in the five SPROUT pilot cities (Tel Aviv, Valencia, Padua, Kalisz, and Budapest). These scenarios will be concise and coherent stories that describe three possible evolutions of each city’s urban mobility situation.
The development of the scenarios is being done as follows:
- Cross-balance analysis of the drivers of urban mobility. This quantitative analysis looked at the influence that the drivers have on each other, and what the impacts of these drivers are on the urban mobility situation. The impacts of the drivers were discussed during workshops held in January in all cities, which led to a draft version of three scenarios per city. (T3.1)
- Sustainability and policy impact analyses of the draft scenarios. (T3.2 and T3.3)
- Development of the final, narrative version of the scenarios. For this purpose, using the drafts previously developed, all cities are holding online workshops with stakeholders between the end of June and mid-July. These workshops will result in the narrative elements and the scenario titles, which will then be put together by the VUB to come to the narrative. In addition, each scenario will also be enhanced by a visual representation of the envisioned future. (T3.4)
If you are interested in the results and the final scenarios, make sure to keep an eye on the SPROUT website and right here on the forum, as we will post the results as they come in!
Sara (Sara Tori) 2020-10-20 09:29:25 UTC #4
Dear OIC members,
SPROUT has just finished its third work package, and we are proud to present to you the results of our scenario building process ! During this process, stakeholders in our five pilot cities worked to develop three scenarios for the future of their city 10 years from now in case no new policy interventions are undertaken. Developing these scenarios will help the SPROUT project partners, in the next work package, to develop policy responses to mobility innovations that are appearing in cities all around the world. All cities developed three different scenarios; one of which represents the ‘most likely’ situation according to each city’s stakeholders. Each scenario is a narrative that was written by the VUB based on creative workshops held in all cities. These narratives are complemented with scenario visuals, to graphically represent the possible developments the cities will face. Below you can find two of Padua’s scenarios.
Padova_Scenario 2.jpg [MISSING]
Scenario 1.jpg [MISSING]
Next up, we will see how this future changes based on the developments of city-led policy responses in WP4 and WP5.
What do you think- is the future in your cities likely to be very different ?
All scenarios and their visuals can be found in Deliverable 3.4- ‘SPROUT Narrative Scenarios’: